Thursday, April 05, 2007

Chocolate Jesus

Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about?
Or maybe they're referring to this one?
Either way, I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Seems like this comes up every year or so... some artist creates a work that's somehow not the standard "American Surfer Jesus" and someone objects and instead of the piece being seen by a couple hundred people in a gallery somewhere, it's seen by millions on the internet. (You'd think the people taking offense would have figured this out by now.) As a result the artist is catapulted to fame or at least infamy -- I mean, who would have guessed that "Piss Christ" would be almost a household name?


Unknown said...

I agree completely with you on this... of all the images you posted, i find yours to be the most 'reverent' - It's gorgeous.

IGMS said...

He's busy helping suburban kids with their ballhandling...
I had a "Benny Hill Moment" when I read that.

A girl on a message board I inhabit made the outrageous comment that she wouldn't mind "eating chocolate jesus' cock" which made me laugh so much

|ris said...

I'm completely with you on this as well