Friday, March 30, 2007

It can NOT be the end of March already...

It is simply not possible that 2007 is 1/4 over with. Next weekend is not Easter. No way. Uh uh. Must be some sort of elaborate April Fool's joke, and we all get to turn the clock back to Groundhog Day, right?

The accelleration of time is relative... when you're 5, a year is 20% of your lifetime! No wonder it takes forever for summer to arrive and for Christmas to roll around. By the time you hit the tender age of 20, a year has already dropped to 5% of your life, so it seems to go that much faster. At 40, it's dropped to 2.5% of your lifetime, and 2.5% of anything is within the margin of error... negligible. That's the only explanation I can come up with. I guess that, and being extremely busy so that there's no time to just sit back and spend a lazy sunday loafing around the house, or get away and take that vacation to just unwind. If I'm going to travel somewhere, I'm going to take a camera and shoot! Busman's holiday, to be sure.

Now, there's not much I enjoy more than shooting. Like they say about sex and pizza, even when it's bad, it's pretty damn good. Luckily, I've had very few shoots that were less than totally enjoyable. And I like editing the shoots, but it's time consuming, and it's easy to put off next to the urgency of a scheduled shoot, or a day job project crunch. As I keep telling myself, I'm keeping NEXT month very lean on shooting, and going to try to get heavy on the editing, and revise my workflow and deliverables a bit. And despite all my wonky math in the last paragraph, they still put 24 hours in almost every single day, and it's up to me to do good things with those hours.

Here's Marsha, reminding me with her eyes that I need to finish editing more of her photos. Patience...

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