Saturday, December 01, 2007

Dream Portfolio

I realize there's nothing less interesting than someone else telling you about their dreams, but I've decided to risk it this morning.

I'm not one who usually remembers my dreams when I wake up in the morning. I wish I were. One type of dream I do vaguely recall is the one where I'm seeing dozens of photographic images, and the impression I'm left with in the dream is that they're excellent shots, but it's not clear if in the dream they're shots I'm dreaming I took, or if I'm dreaming I'm looking at someone else's pictures. Once in a while one of the images will stick with me after I wake up, but it's rarely anything to write home about, but I can't help thinking that among all these images are some good ideas if they would just stick with me -- I just awake with the impression that I've been looking at a series of stunning photographs. I don't know if this has anything to do with my fuzzy real-life memory, or if in the dream state, I'm not literally visualizing the images, but just manifesting the impression of having seen them. Weird.

These usually occur after a long day/evening of editing and/or surfing, as I tend to have these dreams after doing something repetitive, like playing a video game or painting a wall, or driving all day. Who knows? Maybe the technology to record one's dreams will emerge, sort of like that movie, Brainstorm. Then it's just a matter of inducing a weird dream, recording, and editing -- filling the world with nightmares of trying to find the classroom where the final exam is being given for the class you forgot to attend all semester. Aaagh!

The picture is the dreamy Iris, always a source of inspiration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were you, when you remember a shot, describe it in detail somewhere so you can use it!