Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Beauty of Nothingness

These two shots are good examples of work I particularly enjoy doing: the unadorned nude. No fancy set or location, no elaborate make-up, wardrobe or even jewelry. Simply a beautiful model in a striking pose. Nothing in the way. The top one is a bit enhanced with a tint and some diffusion, but it seemed to fit the languishing stretch. The bottom one is crisp, accentuating the energy and strength of her stance and the motion of her hair. Thanks yet again to's just a pleasure to shoot with her and share these images. She's also a showcase machine...we posted these separately on the same day, and both were recognized on OMP (along with a bunch more on her portfolio from recent shoots with other photographers). I have more shots standing by that I hope to post soon, so stay tuned, but for now, enjoy the nothingness...

1 comment:

Ryan Liu said...

Gary, I really like these two images, especially the second one.