Sunday, July 08, 2007

"Dark Light" out now...

I've taken the plunge and put together my first book, Dark Light, which is available now. It's 70 pages with 68 photographs and features a variety of images, some of which have been presented here, and a number of shots I prepared for potential inclusion in the "Dark Visions" show. It includes work spanning the last 18 months or so, and is fairly representative, but by no means exhaustive. (In fact, I'm working on another smaller project that I hope to have out in the next week or so, too.)

I've shown a proof copy of the book to a number of photographers and models and artistic folks, and the reaction to the images has been very gratifying, and everyone felt the quality of the printing was quite good, too. For the next two weeks, I'll be offering it for $5.00 off, so order before July 23 and save a few bucks.

I'd like to thank all the models who participated in making the images, as well as everyone who has helped and encouraged me along the way. Your support has made all the difference.