Sunday, December 31, 2006

...the fairies are too strong...

Had a lovely shoot with sweet Charity on Friday night before the group shoot. Did some shots for her "7 Deadly Sins" series, and a little more good clean (and wet) fun that will possibly get ME in hot water with a few protective friends of hers. Please don't be concerned, friends, the shoot was properly chaperoned by Miss Alizarine.

I hope I didn't overdo it though, as sadly Charity missed the group shoot on Saturday because she wasn't feeling well, but I'm sure they are unrelated circumstances. This shot is from the first controversial bathtub shoot a few weeks ago -- look for some results from the new shoot soon.

Apart from a couple of no-shows, the Collingwood shoot went well... hope to share those with you soon, too.

Sitting here at Andi's place while her brother's metal band practices in the next room, and through the wall, one of the lyrics they keep repeating sounds like "...the fairies are too strong..." MEEEETTTTAAAALLLL!!!!!!

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