Monday, December 04, 2006

Jumpin' Jiminy

There's something about a good jump picture that I really enjoy. Not necessarily acrobatic leaps, which I also enjoy shooting, but just a simple jump can add a lot of fun. The one at top is of Amanda, and has received many compliments, but it's largely the result of the right model at the right split-second. The lower one is of Gaea, similar in some ways, but with a different feel to it.

Had the chance to see Amanda over at Dave Levington's studio yesterday when I got to observe a fun little holiday-theme shoot he was doing with her and Crystallynn. Amanda and I will probably be working together again in January, so I'm definitely looking forward to that. Our first shoot together was last January, and I really learned a great deal working with her... she's a fine addition to anyone's portfolio to be sure.


dfklldoind said...


Hey there...I just started this blog stuff..and wanted to say hi again (we met at the Dirty Show). I guess we will be seeing one another again soon. I'm looking forward to talking to you more.

Love the photos you are showing. The jumping photos are very very cool. I am a huge fan of Philippe Halsman (I own several of his Dali/Halsman collaborations). Mr. Halsman did a whole bunch of photos years ago where he had everyone jump (mostly celebs). Of course, they had their cloths on..Ha. Again, I love the jumping shots...definitely do more!!!

Gary M Photo said...

I've said on several occasions that I didn't invent the jump shot, it was Philippe Halsman (or possibly Bill Russell). Yes, the Halsman "Jump Book" is really loads of fun... just saw it a few months ago and it's on my wish list. Leaping royals even!

Thanks for the comment and I've already bookmarked your new blog, so I'll be looking forward to following your adventures there. See ya!

Anonymous said...

How do these girls jump and look so natural about it? I think if I were to jump, I'd have my body parts in every direction, my face distorted...totally ungraceful! You shot them well!